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Surprise - Labor Day holiday off!

Friday, Aug. 27, 2004 - 2:01 a.m.

Well, I just found out I have Labor Day off. That's a week from Monday, what am I going to plan in that time? It will be a 3-day weekend, but my weekends aren't what everyone else's weekends are. I'll have to work late Sunday night, till midnight, then I'll have to be back at 1 p.m. on Thursday. I think I'll check out airfares and perhaps go visit my mother. It's been more than a year since I visited her, and she turns 70 next year, so I feel like any time I can, I should. She's going to be having cataract surgery this fall, kind of startling to think about.

However, I have to take my mother in small doses. She gets on my nerves really fast. My mother has this rose-colored glasses view of raising her children and doesn't understand why we are sometimes wary of her.

Anyway, flying up on a Monday and back on a Wednesday evening should do just fine, IF I can find affordable airfare and a dog-sitter.

At any rate, I'll have 3 days in a row off!!!!!

Yeah, most people know well in advance they'll be getting holidays off. But I work in a 365-day-a-year business, and I don't find out these things until the scheduler posts the schedule for that week. It's kind of a pain, especially around the holidays (which includes my birthday time in late November).

I'm really happy to be in this job, though. I was hired to earn, then train for, a post in management. I'm past the earning part, I made it! Probably the training will begin after our busy season, also known as election season.

In case anybody is interested, here are my sentiments:



Just got a call from my friend Red. She's in Panama City to visit the Miracle Strip amusement park before it closes for good. That place holds a big part of my heart, too, and I'm glad someone I know is getting to visit and to tell it good-bye for me, too. Roller Coaster ON, Red!

Have fun!


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