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Plans crash, but concert's on!

Saturday, Aug. 28, 2004 - 2:26 a.m.

Well, so much for that idea. I won't be making a trip home around Labor Day because I have to attend a breakfast with the highest high honchos at work at 9:30 in the effen a.m. on that Wednesday. What an alien hour for me! I just pray I don't fall asleep during the video presentation about the company. Tralalalala - can you tell I don't give a fook for this office politics bullshit? Those honchos won't know me if they pass me in the hall the next day. But, it's a requirement of working there that I attend this shindig, otherwise they'll get their knickers in a wad and discipline me somehow. Maybe by making me go to the next 5 of them. augh! So, I'll hang around the house and stay in town. I'll show up and drink their coffee and nibble on a bagel (maybe they'll have croissants!) then never have to worry about it again.

The good! news is I have a ticket to the Springsteen/REM Vote for Change concert tour appearance in Orlando!!! I and my 3 friends will be on the last row of a section, so nobody will be able to tell me to sit down. I can dance all I want to!!!! I seriously do not understand why everyone has to act like such old farts and sit all through a rock concert. Especially when the people on stage are as old or older than the audience and THEY are dancing and up the whole time!

Today I got 2 major purchases made. I ordered the first coat I've bought in more than 10 years. Down in South Florida, I never needed a full-scale coat. But it does get truly cold here in Northeast Florida. So, I'll be wearing the red puffy coat with a hood. Should be toasty. I also got a bookcase!! It's been a saga. I've been hunting since May for one that is more than just a particleboard square and has some character. I found one with little legs and crown moulding along the top AND it has glass doors! No dusting! Another yay!

I came home from work to find a message from Helen in my voicemail. She sounds manic, and I know the sorts of things that happen when she's manic. You see, she's bipolar, and when she's manic she loses all impulse control. Spending too much money, having inappropriate sex (aka cheating) and talking a mile a second all happen when she's manic. It's a major part of why I couldn't stay in a love relationship with her. The fact an illness is involved is part of why I stay friends with her. I'm a person who doesn't judge people nor will I pull away from them unless they're hurting me. I stopped being in a position for Helen to hurt me. I have to admit, though, that I get a real ego boost when she tries to get back together (even after I moved 300 miles away). heh! I just wish I could find a relationship that's as good as things were with her when she wasn't manic, and have it last the rest of my life. It seems to be the thing I've always wanted the most, once thought I had it with my marriage, and now wonder if I ever will have it.




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