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Of mothers, concerts and friends - Tuesday, Mar. 08, 2005
Late for work - Tuesday, Mar. 08, 2005
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Helen's Mother [edit] - Tuesday, February 22,, 2005

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Of mothers, concerts and friends

Tuesday, Mar. 08, 2005 - 4:13 a.m.

OK, now that I got that off my chest (if you haven't read "Late for Work" - the entry I made a few minutes ago - click the link to the left and read it), on to other subjects.

I haven't spoken to my mother since her birthday. She called one night while I was out, but she didn't leave a message. I heard her muttering as she hung up, but I couldn't tell what she said. I had the phone in my hand to call her, when I remembered other times I'd done that - called when she was on caller ID but didn't leave a message - and regretted it. She most likely was loaded for bear, and I wasn't volunteering. So, I didn't call.

Some good news - I have ordered a ticket to see Green Day when they come to town April 19!!!!! They're playing here on a Tuesday, my night off. I LOVE their latest album "American Idiot." If you like post-hardcore punk, or just good rocking music with a beat and good guitar licks, I recommend you check it out. Green Day Web site I'm SO glad Missy turned me on to this album! She, her hubby and I will be in the arena for the show, although so far we don't have seats together. And it'll be OK if we don't.

Some fantastic news - I had lunch last Tuesday with my friend Ginny. I haven't seen her in about a year, maybe a little longer. We've been friends for 5 years, when we both lived in South Florida. She's a delight, and the time fell away within seconds of us seeing each other. And the time flew - two hours seemed like maybe 20. She lives in Dallas now and was back to visit her parents, who live near here. I took her to the airport to fly back to Dallas when we parted company. I miss her SO much. And here's a funny. She has always favored me trying to give my mother what she wants, never seemed to really understand that it's not possible because Mama can't be pleased. When I told her what happened on Mama's birthday, she said it would perhaps be best if I dropped my mother a card every few weeks, just keep in touch that way. I'm going to try it. Ginny and I used to have a regular thing on Friday evenings, dinner and a movie, usually ordering pizza and watching something from her large collection. Sometimes we'd go out. We are very comfortable around each other, and she once told me she enjoys my company because she doesn't have to "manage" me. I go with the flow.

Ginny is fretting over my lack of social outlets. I never did get to tell her that I'm the organizer for the Bruce Springsteen fans' monthly meetups (tonight is this month's), and I'm meeting new people that way. *note to self - remember to tell Ginny that in my next e-mail* Most of my problem socially, especially with potential romance, is my job schedule. People will seem interested until they hear when I work, then they fall off the planet. And I don't blame them - who wants to strike up a friendship with someone you won't be able to hang out with much, if any?

Even with that, much of my life here is like it was in South Florida. I go out with a friend (here it's usually with Missy to bingo!! - I won $100 last week!!!!!) one night a week, and I stay home the rest of the time. Even having Friday-Saturday off down there didn't make a whole lot of difference most of the time because people were "otherwise engaged" with dates or spouses and such.

Helen has been in touch a fair amount. She's coping as well as someone who just lost her mother can, going through the grieving process. One big thing is something I've been urging her to do for a long time - she told her husband about what we had almost 6+ years ago. I feel better that she and I both have more honesty in our lives. She told him a few other things she'd done, mostly while she was manic, but I was "the big one" - the one she fell in love with. Bringing a third person into a relationship, whether all 3 know about it or not, is playing with fire, especially because something as unpredictable as emotion usually *will* get involved. She didn't intend to fall in love, but she did. (gee, ain't I great? lol!) I hope hubby works his way through whatever he must be feeling and they stay together. Helen says she feels closer to him without that wall of secrets between them, and that's a good thing.

And now the very best news of all - in 49 days, Bruce releases his new album!!!!! Read all about it here!! And there'll be a tour, so I'll be on the road again. Not as much as last tour, but probably 3-4 shows wouldn't be out of the question. I'm hoping he comes here!!!

Feeling better,

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